Wendy M Corlett

Wendy M. Corlett


“We are such stuff as dreams are made of”  

                     -Will Shakespeare



I have always been a fan of movies since I was a kid. My father worked in the industry, and taught me things to observe when watching them. I have a habit to this day of viewing films with a discerning eye. I’ve been known to catch a costume error where there is a zipper seen in a Tudor period piece gown or the actor’s hair was braided 2 different ways in the same scene!

I think it is my attention to detail and organizational skill that drew me to the Producer hat in filmmaking. I enjoy it a lot and I am good at it.
Though, I do have a keen eye and rhythm for editing too, so I like to be in on that a bit if possible.
Crazy Cat Lady

The making of “Crazy Cat Lady”

Crazy Cat Lady

The making of “What We Want”


Poetry & Writing

I started writing as a child and my first story was created when I was about 8 or 9 years old. As time went on poetry and creative writing seemed to be my thing in addition to dance.
Writing was a creative outlet for me as I grew up and still is. It helped with my changing realities, to sort life out in general, express my feelings and simply let me observe and write down what my creative mind’s eye saw.

I was taught that “children were seen but not heard” so writing became where I was heard.
Writing is the true expression of the soul.

Pillsbury® Commercial

As a child I had the great experience of contributing to the success of the Pillsbury Doughboy Commercials.
I won’t tell you here, click the “view more” box to get to the story!
Bonny Anne

Living life artfully. A simple artist’s bio.

The first introduction to being creative was playing dress up as a kid. Putting adult clothes on like a costume. My little friends and I would parade around outside pretending we were different characters. My allowance was spent on clothes at Goodwill. I remember getting a lovely lady’s formal gown. My prized possession, The Queen had arrived!

Costumes have always been something I have enjoyed throughout my life. Hence enjoying theatre and acting etc. Here is a mix of costume pics. I suppose you are all wondering what’s with the pirate theme to my site and also the pirate costumes? Click here to my pirate page.

The next thing I was naturally drawn to was the performing arts. Creative dance and ballet were the first styles I learned. In 3rd grade I started ballet class, and we did performances. Here is a pic from one of them. A little later I learned to dance in toe shoes. I still have my first pair.

During this time frame I also wrote my first story book called “The Milkmaid”. I still have it. We designed and made our own covers. I got an “Excellent” on the story! The cover has gotten screwed up over all these years, but I can still read the story. I learned I was not an artist in the sense of drawing and painting but wasn’t a bad storyteller back then. My father was the sculptor, drawer, photographer, prop creator and did set design.

As dance continued to be my main artistic interest, I trained in tap, jazz and modern dance in addition to the ballet. Modern dance really resonated with me, and I was a big Martha Graham fan. We had a great dance department in High School, and we did performances for the school and public. There were shows we dancers contributed to such as, “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying”, and a student created musical called “Brothers”.

For the dance pics, I am the one in the purple (H.S.), a pic of Martha Graham, the cast of Brothers (I am in the front on the left, with the young man on my lap) and a picture of me at Dance camp in Idyllwild California deep in thought. I did start writing poetry and stream of consciousness writing at this time.

While in high school I also became a mime (ok no mime jokes! It was an “in” thing) I had the opportunity to see Marcel Marceau who inspired me greatly. I did some training, and I had the opportunity to do a combo dance/mime piece for our Valedictorian ceremony in our auditorium.

I went to college in Santa Cruz and studied dance with Tandy Beal a world-renowned Modern dance instructor (see pic below in white dress). She has her own dance company and has stellar accolades and awards.  I also had the pleasure of being in the theater departments production of “Oklahoma!” See pic, I am in the front in the dark blue dress. Unfortunately, there are no pics from our dance performance in the dance dept at Cabrillo College.

Sadly, here in college is where my creative ambitions went off the rails for quite some time. My story is on my FutureMakers.art page. That particular incident inspired me at this point of my life to champion the arts.

 When being an artist was rekindled again, it was the filmmaking, voice acting, and writing that I got involved with. This is what you see on this website. I also started Belly Dancing and doing some Ballroom dancing (practice shoes below). I currently have added learning to play the Ukulele! My husband plays the guitar, so we try to play and sing together.

Who knows what else the creative future holds for me…!