Film Projects

“If it can be written or thought, it can be filmed” 

-Stanley Kubrick

“There are 2 hours left before a meteor hits Earth. What would you do in that time?”

‘The Impact’ is the result of a collaborative filmmaking initiative run by Create50 out of the UK. This feature film is comprised of thirty-seven short films made by various filmmakers from around the world based on the above premise. The film premiered in London, and it was selected as an entry in the Melbourne Science Fiction Film Festival. I had the pleasure of Producing one of the short films in this feature, Crazy Cat Lady.

Watch Crazy Cat Lady

“When Betty can’t make it home to her darling Waffles, she must find another way to spend her last moments on earth.”

My writer friend Carrie Wachob entered a screenwriters’ contest called Impact 50 out of the UK. Thousands of writers submitted a short screen play about what someone would do in their last 2 hours on earth before a Meteor hit. Her short was called Crazy Cat Lady. She was honored with being picked as one of the final 50 winners. The winning short film scripts could now be optioned, this is where I came in as Producer.

We made the film in Seattle WA. and had to submit it again when finished, with the hope that it would be selected to be in the final feature film montage called “The Impact”. We held our breath, crossed our fingers, prayed to the film Gods, and were thrilled when it was selected to be in the feature! 

Crazy Cat Lady as a stand-alone short made it into the Catalina Film Festival, The Sidewalk Film Festival, West Sound Film Festival, Gig Harbor Film Festival, Tri Cities International Films Festival and Tacoma Film Festival. 

Crazy Cat Lady

What We Want

a film by Craig Downing

“The exploration of your partner’s desires can be a quirky road to intimacy.”

Craig Downing the writer and director of What We Want had been an instructor of mine at the Northwest Film Forum in Seattle WA. where I learned the bulk of my film education. During my time there Craig wanted to make his film. I was honored that he asked me to produce it for him.

I Produced a student film called “Daniel”, and worked with a videographer helping him produce business videos. Being as I am very detail oriented and can keep multiple cycles of action going at a time, I make a good Producer.

This was the first film I Produced that had a proper budget! Yay! We had a great, talented crew, and I valued the experience it gave me. The next film to follow this was Crazy Cat Lady. I was Producer on this film as well.

2019 Sunscreen Summer Film Camp Student Film


Watch Undetermined

“When a detective searches for answers to recent undetermined murders, little does he know he may be the next target.”

This short film was created by students of the Florida Sunscreen Film Festival’s 12th annual Summer Film Camp. Over the course of 3 weeks students pitched ideas for 4 films to be produced by 20 students. Students wrote the scripts, cast the actors, shot, edited and did all the production for their films. I was asked to help Produce this student film “Undetermined”, by a friend who was taking the class as I had experience Producing other shorts. I had students assisting me as co-producers to learn the ropes. For novice and first time filmmakers I think they did a pretty good job. The film was shown at the Sunscreen Film Festival in Florida in 2019.

A student film project from Northwest Film Forum

Watch Daniel

 “When an insurance agent needs to handle comatose parents of Daniel, things don’t go as well as they should”

This film was a student project through NorthWest Film Forum in Seattle WA. Students took a filmmaking class and everybody signed up for a job.

Being the organized one in the group I chose the Producer hat.

We took the film from concept to finished product and showed it at Northwest Film Forum.

We had a great group of artists and everyone pulled their weight.
 After it was complete, later, it came in first place in a bi-monthly competition called “Best of Cine-City” in a suburb of Seattle called Greenwood.

Then at the end of the year it came in 3rd place in the Cine-City competition out of all the other bi-monthly winners..

Our award? A big chunk of Beecher’s cheese! See photo. Too funny!
Daniel Award<br />
Becher's Flagship Cheese

Poetry in Ocean

Editor and Videography

This little piece was a spur of the moment creation. My good friend and videographer John Robertson and I shot this footage. I worked for him on shoots for his videography business and did some editing and voice over work.

We went down to a beach one day on the Puget Sound in WA. and decided to start filming people who were doing kite boarding. He gave me some videography lessons while there. I wanted to keep learning more about camera work as I normally produce on films.

We both shot footage and afterwards I decided, hey let’s make a little video out of this so I edited it and added music to it. Nothing fancy, just a fun little piece.