A Pirate’s Mindset

 “Damn you villains, who are you? And from whence came you?” -Blackbeard

Ahoy! Click the sound icon for nautical sound effects whilst ye be on this page!

Black Beards Jolly Roger

Blackbeard’s Jolly Roger

Why I have a Pirate Mindset

I have been a big fan of pirates for a long time. Even as a kid on Halloween I asked my father to dress me as a guy pirate. He did a great job of making a “5 O’clock shadow” on my youthful face by burning the end of a cork and rubbing some of the ash on my face. Off I went swashbuckling down the street going after all the candy booty I could get.

I have also been fond of the sea and sailing. My father owned a sailboat my entire life and many a Sunday was spent on the bow of the boat riding the waves and getting splashed with salty water in the warm sunshine. A pleasure moment indeed!

But back to the mindset… I am not of the mind to steal from people and do realize pirating was a bit out- ethics. It is more what a pirate mindset represents.

Anne Bonny

Pirates are courageous, and bold. (One would have to be if one was going to take another ship as a prize.)

Pirates are risk-takers, are creative, problem solvers and quick witted.

Pirates tend to walk to a different drummer and don’t necessarily follow all the rules and think outside the box. In fact, rules were changed because of pirates.

Pirates are determined and go for their goals wholeheartedly. They are ambitious.

Pirates are entrepreneurs and independent thinkers, though they do work well as a team.

Pirates have to be flexible and be willing to adjust course when needed (literally)

Pirates had a brethren, a republic of pirates where there were certain rules that were followed, and ethics were kept in amongst themselves.

Pirating was a big game, challenging. Innovative strategies needed to be devised to reach their goals and stay ahead of the competition.

Pirates are decisive, able to make rapid decisions as the situations constantly change around them.

Pirates have a producer’s mindset. Coordinating all the actions, equipment, crew, and weather situations to achieve the final product. A well-orchestrated event with a prize at the end.

So, you see there are many aspects of a pirate’s mindset that apply to modern day creativity and success. One can not be fixed in their idea and unmoving. Think like a pirate and you will accomplish much more and be in control of your destiny. Ahoy me maties yo ho!



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Clearwater, Florida